Make Money Online with Fiverr

Fiverr is the most popular micro job site that exists in the market right now. The popularity of the site has been skyrocketing since the site had been launched. With fiverr, making money is really a child’s play and you don’t have to be tech savvy at all to earn online. That’s the beauty of the site, everyone can earn money online on Fiverr.

Well, for the last couple of years I have explored almost all the possible ways to make money online and believe me, it’s not that hard to make money online. As this blog is dedicated to those new people trying to get into the market, I will tell you a simple way that will definitely earn you a few bucks.

First let’s see what fiverr actually is?

Fiverr is a micro job site where people can sell their products or services for Five Dollars ($5). It’s a bit different than the renowned freelance market places like the odesk, freelancer and elance. On fiverr seller lists their services or products called “gigs” with a fixed rate of $5. This unique quality made the marketplace famous as people from all around the world can list their products or services and can sell them as they want.

Buyer explores the gigs finds the appropriate one that they need and buy the gig. The money stays as an escrow with the fiverrr authority; seller delivers the product or the service. When the buyer accepts the completed product or service, they notify that the gig is completed. Fiverr then releases the money to the seller. Buyers can rate a gig, which refers as the seller reputation.

The whole process is really pretty simple and everyone can buy or sell services with a verified  PayPal account. Fiverr interface is so easy that people loves it for its simplicity. So, that’s almost it with Fiverr.

Now, how can you make money withlittle or no technical knowledge like programming or designing? Well, today we’re going to reveal a few simple ways that you can use to make money online like others are doing. We’re going to use simple techniques that everyone can use and we’re going to use simple step by step formula so that everyone can replicate the techniques.

Gigs That You Can Do: No#1

Here’s one of the most popular gigs on fiverr that has got more than 130 positive reviews (Ratings) and has been featured on the home page of Fiverr. 

In this gig the seller is selling almost nothing that you can’t sell. Just try to replicate her as people will always need new faces to talk for them. You can easily make a few hundreds dollar by doing this sort of gigs.

Step by Step
  1. Sign Up at Fiverr
  2. Create a Gig
  3. Upload your photos with couple of sample.
  4. Start selling.

    Gig Link

Not that hard? Right!! So, what are you waiting for? 

Gigs That You Can Do: No#2

If you think the first gig was easy then you’ll like this one as well. You’ll find this sort of gig all over fiverr and most of them are really very popular.

Gig Title: I will say anything you want with Anonymous outfit for $5

Anybody or should I say everybody can do this sort of recordings. All you need is a video camera and a workable internet connection; even you can do this sort of thing with a webcam or even with a cell phone that has a quality video camera (all most every cell phone comes with a standard video camera!!).

Step by Step
  1. Find something interesting
  2. Create a gig that people will buy
  3. Upload a couple of sample and
  4. Watch the order flowing in.

Everyone should be able to do this for sure.

Go to Fiverr and you’ll find a plenty of gigs that will interest you. Now go on and start your quest on making money online. If you still couldn't make money online then you should get a job, Internet Marketing is not for you.

Caution: Creating a gig on Fiverr and making it popular is not the same thing. Your gig could be the best gig on earth but still you could end up with zero sales. Just be mindful that creating a gig and selling the gig is not exactly the same thing.

Check this blog out for the tips and tricks on making a Fiverr gig successful. I’ll be sharing useful tips and tricks on the blog pretty soon.

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